*About Singapore Math and Placement Tests – The Learning House
The Learning House

*About Singapore Math and Placement Tests



The Singapore math method is focused on mastery, which is achieved through intentional sequencing of concepts.  Instead of pushing through rote memorization, students learn to think mathematically and rely on the depth of knowledge gained in previous lessons. Singapore Math not only helps students become more successful problem solvers, it helps them gain a sense of confidence and resourcefulness because it insists on conceptual depth. This naturally prepares students to excel in more advanced math.

Key Features:

  • CPA (Concrete Pictorial Abstract) Approach: Introduces concepts in a tangible way and progresses to increasing levels of abstraction.
  • Number Bonds: Shows the part-whole relationship between numbers.
  • Bar Modeling: Helps students visualize a range of math concepts, such as fractions, ratios, and percentages. Allows students to determine the knowns and unknowns in a given situation.
  • Mental Math: Helps students develop number sense and flexibility in thinking about numbers. 

Not sure which version is best for you?  Compare the Editions here.

The Placement Tests cover the material for the level indicated on the tests. Therefore, each test is really an exit test for the level, and can be used to see what types of problems are given in the curriculum.  

An overall score of 80% and above on a test is a good indicator that the student has the skills to go on to the next level. However, if a student consistently misses problems from the same topic, you should consider starting at the tested level regardless of the overall score. 

Here is an example: If a student successfully completes 2A, then they have likely mastered the material in 2A, and should take the 2B  placement test to see if they have mastered that material. If they do poorly on the 2B test, they could start with 2B. If they do well on the 2B test, they could take the 3A test to see if they have mastered that material. 

These tests are not supposed to be timed. However, allow at least an hour for the tests at the primary level. 

Primary Mathematics Standards & US Edition Series Placement Tests:

Dimensions Math Series Placement Tests:

There are no placement tests for Dimensions Grades 6-8.   Use these guidelines:

  • If your student has completed any Grade 5 program, start with Dimensions Math 6.
  • If your student has finished any Grade 6 program, with solid understanding, start with Dimensions Math 7. However, if your student struggled with a Grade 6 program, start with Dimensions Math 6.
  • Together, Dimensions Math 7 and 8 constitute a solid pre-algebra and algebra 1 program, with some geometry and other topics. If your student has done a pre-algebra program, review the Scope and Sequence for Dimensions Math 7. If there are any topics they did not cover in their pre-algebra program, or if they struggled at all, consider starting with Dimensions Math 7 to cover those topics, even if you don’t need to cover all the topics; they are not repeated in Dimensions Math 8. Otherwise, start with Dimensions Math 8.

Primary Mathematics 2022 Edition Placement Tests: