American Republic Subject Kit 5Ed – The Learning House
The Learning House

American Republic Subject Kit 5Ed



*This edition does not co-ordinate with the online / DVD lessons.*

The eighth-grade history curriculum covers the last four centuries of American history, beginning from the lives and cultures of Native American peoples and concluding with the inauguration of President Biden. To get middle schoolers engaged and enjoying history, this American history curriculum uses a variety of visuals, graphs, infoboxes, and design elements to break up text and create an exciting learning experience.

What will 8th graders learn in the BJU Press American Republic?

The middle school history curriculum offers a chronological survey of American history designed to help middle school students understand and appreciate the work of God throughout history and discover how their study of history can make them better citizens. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to

  • Understand the significant events in American history
  • Evaluate the culture and its changes throughout American history
  • Apply social studies literacy skills to the study of historical events
  • Relate a biblical view of citizenship to the foundations of American government
  • Analyze primary and secondary sources based on author, intended audience, and purpose
  • Relate biblical worldview themes to the development of American society

8th Grade History Curriculum Features

  • Chronological survey of American history from Native Americans to the inauguration of President Biden
  • 180 lessons for a full year of learning
  • Biblical worldview themes for understanding history and American core values
  • A logical teaching cycle for parent-led homeschooling
  • Regular opportunities for practice and review
  • Projects and activities for critical-thinking development
  • Numerous pictures, maps, and illustrations

Benefits of the 8th Grade American History Curriculum

This course has been designed to help students become informed citizens who know how and why America is the nation it is today so they can be empowered participants in American society. This homeschool history curriculum follows a regular update schedule, so it covers many recent events that students will need to think about and evaluate from a historical perspective. Additionally, we encourage students to consider how all events of history show the hand of God at work as He actively shapes our world.

* Unless otherwise noted, kits may not have any partial returns or substitutions.

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BJU Press
Subject Kit
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