Canada Map Book 4 – The Learning House
The Learning House

Canada Map Book 4


The fourth in a series of popular activity books designed to develop map skills, Map Book 4 contains 40 lively activities to help grades 5-6 readers develop and apply four fundamental map skills: shape, symbols, position and direction and scale. The book employs a variety of maps of Canada – cultural, historical, physical and political -to help students develop and practice these cornerstone skills. The numerous maps also help students explore Canada’s geography and history. Map Book 4 is a logical follow-up to Map Book 3. It also stands on its own as a practical social studies learning resource. These map books will help your students develop map and globe skills as they learn about the geography of Canada. Each one becomes more challenging so that basic geography skills and concepts are mastered.

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George Quinn
Product Code
Apple Press
Softcover, Black & White
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