Discovering Design with Biology Book Set
Discovering Design with Biology is a laboratory-based high school biology course is the first biology course a college-bound student should take. It gives the student an introduction to how living organisms are designed, how they interact with one another, and how they interact with their physical environment.
Students are first taught the molecular and cellular basis of life:
- how biologists classify life,
- the chemical processes that make life possible,
- the structures of RNA and DNA, and
- the designs of the different cells found in living organisms
- the means by which photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular reproduction occur
- the current state of biotechnology.
Then students are given a survey of the different kinds of organisms found in nature: archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants. The students then learn the biogeochemical cycles that keep environments hospitable to life, which leads to a discussion of ecosystems.
Throughout the course, students see that life is the result of design and that organisms have been given the ability to adapt to their surroundings. In addition, they learn various problems associated with the modern evolutionary synthesis.
The course consists of 180 hours of instruction, 40 of which involve hands-on experiments. There are three types of experiments; household item, dissection, and microscope. To give a lab credit you must do all the household and either the dissection or microscope experiments. To give an honors credit you must do all three types of experiments. Lab Kits specifically for this course will be available soon. Possible alternatives are in the related items below.
This set consists of both the hardcover, full colour textbook and the softcover solutions and test booklet containing everything the parent/teacher needs to know for the subject.
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