Essay Writing Flight 1 Kit
This Essay Writing Kit includes:
- Filmed instruction on 6 DVDs
- Teacher’s Guide includes: scripted lessons with answers, Writing Overview, 24 Language Helps Charts (112 pages, full color, spiral bound)
- One copy of Student Workbook (Approx 100+ pages, 3-hole punch, perforated edges for easy tear out, full color)
- Designed for multi-level teaching
- One “Flight” = 1 year of writing instruction
A multi-sensory approach to writing that is excellent for all learning styles. On this flight students learn how to write a 4-5 paragraph essay. Students travel through the writing process and complete six writing projects.
- Project #1 Trusted Tutelage (Expository/ Literary Technique Focus:Simile)
- Project #2 Monumental Hero (Narrative/ Literary Technique Focus:Personification)
- Project #3 Change It Up!(Expository/Literary Technique Focus:Onomatopoeia)
- Project #4 Poetry Walk in the Mountains (Poetry)
- Project #5 Canterbury Tales (Narrative/ Literary Technique Focus: Irony )
- Project #6 My Own Book (Narrative Fiction/ Literary Technique Focus: Mood)
This program is designed for multi-level teaching and recommended for students in grades 4-6+ and higher who are learning to write a multi-paragraph essay. Teacher-friendly, kid-friendly, and perfect for homeschool co-ops! Teacher’s Kit includes one Teacher’s Guide with scripted lessons, one student workbook*, and six high-quality instructional DVDs that are engaging and enjoyable for children and the teacher.
*Extra Student Workbooks can be purchased separately.
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Beth Mora
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Here to Help Learning
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