Exploring Creation with Botany 2Ed – Young Explorer Series
Exploring Creation with Botany, 2nd Edition, by Apologia is a God-honoring study of botany. Written in the Apologia conversational style, this book will help you cultivate a love of learning in your homeschool as you study God’s incredible world of plants.
Your young botanist will begin this course with an overview of botany and then grow in their knowledge of seeds, flowers, pollination, fruits, leaves, roots, and stems of plants. Their awareness of the world around them will blossom as they experience planting a garden that they design and discover how food is produced. By digging deeper into the many different types of plants in creation, they will acquire wisdom that will flourish for their lifetimes.
Features of Exploring Creation with Botany, 2nd Edition
- Increased focus on nature journaling
- New chapters on gardening and mycology
- Wide variety of new and updated activities to fit any writing level and learning style
- Engaging and fun Minibooks to illustrate and assemble
- All new spectacular photos and graphics
- A Suggested Daily Schedule that makes lesson planning a breeze
- Improved layout that is more user-friendly, regardless of the climate in which you live
Would you like a science kit to help you do the labs and experiments in this program? Here are links to two kits that can help you do just that:
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