Kids of Character Level 3 – The Learning House
The Learning House

Kids of Character Level 3



 Kids of Character Curriculum can be done with multi-level ages. Your children will study 45 crucial character qualities, gleaning insights from Scripture as well as practical projects for implementing them in everyday life, and inspiration from real people from history who have left us inspiring examples to follow!

Included in the curriculum are:

  •  Kids of Character Bible Study –  This is a practical study for children of the 45 character qualites the author taught to her children, learning what God`s Word has to say about each one and how to apply it to their lives. An added feature contained in this study is “Ifs” , a game they often played to help children learn to make wise decisions before they are even placed in a position of temptation. Their grown kids have testified this helped them many times to choose the right thing from having played a game which prepared them for choosing to do right based on insights gained from God`s Word.  If you do this study with multiple children, you may want to get additional study books for each to have their own to write in.
  • Portraits of Integrity – One of the most powerful ways to inspire people to greatness is through the stories of great people from the past.  In this book, you and your children will be challenged to strive for excellence through the examples of 45 people who did just that.  They will meet
    • Jake DeShazer who was a prisoner of the Japanese during World War II.  He was tortured and kept in solitary confinement for many months, but when a Bible came into his hands he became a Christian and later went to Japan to share the gospel with his former enemies.
    • Nate Saint, the missionary pilot who, with Jim Elliott and three other men sacrificed his life to bring the gospel to the Auca Indians of South America.
    • Booker T. Washington, the former slave boy who rose to become the leader of his people and built a college from nothing to give ex-slaves and their children a chance to elevate themselves as he had.
    • and forty-two more inspirational heroes of history, one for each of the 45 character qualities!
    • This book can be read during the “school day” or at night as a family to reinforce what they are learning in their studies during the day. Comprehension questions are provided and stories will be enjoyed by children and adults!
  • Kids of Character Flashcards – This set includes 45 character qualities for your child to learn. A “kid-friendly”  definition is provided as a child has no basis for learning honesty or sensitivity if they don`t know what it means. Also provided is a Scripture verse for each, as it is ultimately God`s Word that changes our lives and our behavior. Instructions for use are provided as well.

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Marilyn Boyer
Product Code
Learning Parent (The)
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