Learn Math Fast System – Volume II (Third Edition) – The Learning House
The Learning House

Learn Math Fast System – Volume II (Third Edition)



Volume II starts with fractions.  You could call this 4th grade math, but they call it the key to learning the relationship between fractions, percentages, and decimal numbers.  Having this insight is the difference between those who understand math and those who are lost.  

Topics include adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and mixed numbers; improper fractions, reducing fractions, cross canceling, reading a ruler, decimal numbers, percentages, replacing words with math symbols, and negative numbers.

If a young person starts with this system, he will excel in math quickly – because he GETS IT!  And if an older person, who has never understood math, reads this system, she too will finally get it.  No grade level is mentioned in the books.  It’s not just fourth grade math, it’s the insight to understanding basic math.   Once the student masters the first two books, he will have all the tools necessary to start learning pre algebra. 

This workbook includes 24 lessons and worksheets, 3 chapter review tests, and a final test. An Answer Key is in the back of the book with full solutions.

An older student can complete this book in about a month.  Younger students will take two to six months to complete.  The older you are, the faster you’ll learn. Take the placement test if you would like to know for sure where to start your student.

With your book you will also receive a password to access a page on the Learn Math Fast website that contains printable pdf versions of every worksheet in the book.

If you don’t already own a “Big, Big Bookmark”, it is highly recommended.  Click here for more information and to add to your cart.

Scratch and Dent available here

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J.K. Mergens
Product Code
163 pages
Softcover, Black and White
Available As
Sample File

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Original price was: $72.50.Current price is: $39.00.
