Learn Math Fast System – Volume V (Second Edition)
Volume V (formerly Learn Algebra Fast) covers Algebra I with a special focus on quadratic equations and formulas. Students are given a solid foundation in higher math by fully understanding the difference between a linear equation, which draws a straight line, and a quadratic equation, which draws a parabola. Starting algebra with this unique approach prepares students for success in higher math.
Volume V has 36 lessons and worksheets, 7 chapter review tests, a final test, and full solutions.
Topics include terminology, absolute value, terms with exponents, simplifying expressions, mutliplying and dividing terms with exponents, square roots, cube roots, Laws of Algebra, multiplying polynomials, factoring polynomials, factoring out a common factor, prime factorization, quadratic equations, a perfect square, completing the square, quadratic formula, intro to functions, and the full solutions to every problem. This book will take an older student about 3 months to complete.
If your student scores well (B+ or better) on the final test, then one credit for Algebra 1 has been earned. Topics covered in volume 5 are typically taught in tenth grade, but they don’t mention grade level in the books.
With your book, you will receive a password to access a page on the Learn Math Fast website that contains printable pdf versions of every worksheet in the book.
Can I start with Volume 5?
If your student is unclear about linear equations, then start with volume 3. You can skip volume 4, if your student knows the three special triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem, otherwise read volumes 3 – 5 to make it a solid stand-alone algebra curriculum.
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