Our Great Big World Curriculum Package
Are you looking for an exciting and easy to use world geography curriculum for your elementary student? Our Great Big World is a one-year course centered in God’s Word that takes students on a journey around the world He made. It combines the flexibility and richness of a unit study with the simplicity of a textbook-based approach.
Lessons guide your child across all seven continents, highlighting God’s natural wonders and amazing creatures, fascinating people God created to do fascinating things, and beautiful landmarks people have built. With open-and-go lessons, you can teach your student with minimal planning or preparation. The course is flexible, so you can choose the assignments and activities that work best for your child.
This package includes:
- Our Great Big World (the book of lessons)
- Folktales and Songs of Our Great Big World
- Atlas Workbook – consumable
- Coloring Book – consumable
- Lesson Review – consumable
- Answer Key and Literature Guide
You also get access to stream or download the audio recordings of the folktales and songs.
If you are teaching more than one child, you can purchase additional consumable items separately.
This course recommends seven novels to read along with the lessons. Each book is set in a different region of the world. If you would like to include these in your studies, then you may want to purchase the Curriculum Bundle, or they can be purchased individually if preferred. See LBS2092 for links to each titles.
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