Tale of Two Cities, A
“It was the best ot times, it was the worst of times…” With these famous words, Charles Dickens plunges the reader into one of history’s most explosive eras–the French Revolution. Dickens vividly captures the terror and upheaval of that tumultuous period, from the storming of the Bastille to the relentless drop of the guillotine.
At the center is the novel’s hero, Sydney Carton–a lazy, alcoholic, but honorable attorney. His story will carry the reader between two major cities of this period, London and Paris.
With his sublime parting words, “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done…,” Sydney Carton joins that exalted group of Dickensian cahracters who have earned a permanent place in the popular literary imagination. His dramatic story, set against the volcanic fury of the French Revolution and pervaded by the ominous rumbles of the death carts trundling towards the guillotine, is the heart-stirring tale of a heroic soul in an age gone mad.
This title is used with the Gold Book British Literature (High School) from Learning Language Arts Through Literature.
If you would like to study this book further, you can use the A Tale of Two Cities Study Guide by Progeny Press, also available in CD-ROM format.
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