Times Tales Workbook – The Learning House
The Learning House

Times Tales Workbook



Tired of boring flashcards that don’t make the multiplication facts stick? Want a fun, unconventional way for your student to learn the upper times tables? Times Tales® is a creative, mnemonic (memory aid) system for students to memorize the most difficult math facts.

With Times Tales® you can truly teach a student the upper times tables in a fraction of the time spent with traditional, rote memorization methods. This system utilizes simple stories as triggers, or memory pegs, for students to quickly recall the upper times tables. Times Tales® appeals to the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learner.

It has been proven successful for students with learning disabilities and those struggling to learn their times tables with traditional methods . . . and best of all, it makes learning fun!

  • Game Show Quiz download link included – Students play a fun, beat-the-clock game to challenge their newly-learned skills! With Bonus Division problems!
  • Covers the most difficult to memorize times tables – 3×6, 3×7, 3×8, 3×9, 4×6, 4×7, 4×8, 4×9, 6×6,6×7, 6×8, 6×9, 7×7, 7×8, 7×9, 8×8, 8×9, 9×9

Kids work independently through this consumable workbook with ease.

Includes: 18 Times Tales® stories, flash cards, assortment of tests & quizzes, cube games, crossword puzzles, Game Show Quiz download, & division section.

This is available for purchase in a set with the Times Tales DVD.

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Jennie von Eggers and Marillee Flanagan
Product Code
104 pages
Trigger Memory Systems
Softcover, Black and White
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