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K-3 Art of the Ancients Book 2

This book is an insightful look at ancient art history, from art found in caves to the classical art of the Roman Empire. Children will take a look at Near Eastern figures and relief carvings, Minoan fresco painting, Etruscan and Egyptian wall painting, Greek pillars and pottery, as well as the many methods of making art in Rome. As young learners create and respond to art of the ancient cultures, they learn that there are many ways to see the world and are empowered to make choices and express ideas in new ways. Pastels and clay are introduced in 6 video lessons, as children expand their art experience through brilliantly colored pastel works and sculpture in low relief, pottery, and figures. 

Purchase this in the 8 Volume Bundle.

AuthorBrenda Ellis
Product CodeAR197
Length64 Pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatHardcover, Blu-Ray/DVD
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Order: AR197