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K-3 Art in America Book 8

This drawing book for children is a practical guide to the ways of drawing, especially suited to the eight to ten-year-old who wants to learn to draw better. Children learn what to look for, how to start, and how to proceed as they draw from direct observation of source materials like their toys, food, pets, and the common things found in the life of a child. The book features drawings and paintings by American artists working from the 18th to the 20th centuries, with a focus on Modern Art.

Text lessons provide colorful illustrations, master artworks, and visual instruction for projects. Video lessons engage learners as they absorb new information on established graphite and colored pencil techniques.

Purchase this in the 8 Volume Bundle.

AuthorBrenda Ellis
Product CodeAR203
Length64 pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatHardcover, Blu-Ray/DVD
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Order: AR203