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Elementary Arithmetic Series: Book 2

In Book 2, your student will solidify and learn the addition tables up to 10 + 10 and the multiplication tables up to 6 x 10. Addition and subtraction with three-digit numbers, including carrying and borrowing, will also be introduced with step-by-step, interactive lessons that encourage your child to work confidently with larger numbers, as well as with money.

  • A full year of math for students in grade 2 or excellent review lessons for older students who need to solidify their grasp of the addition and multiplication tables;
  • A non-consumable resource that will make a wonderful addition to your home library and can be used with all of your children.
  • Short, lively lessons reinforce a habit of concentrated attention while not overtaxing the child’s ability to sit still. Each day’s work goes no longer than 20 minutes, with 15 minutes focused on the newest math concept and the remaining 5 for review.
  • Lessons are mainly oral and are carefully graduated, with your child answering small word problems within his understanding (no reading required). He works out the problems in a hands-on way using a variety of common, everyday objects. This straightforward but interesting teaching guides your child to make discoveries on his own.

Required Resources for this program:

  • The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series, Book 2, and a
  • A grid notebook is used as the student’s math notebook, in which he records the math concepts he has discovered.   (3/4″ or 1/2″ grid recommended) – one can be purchased that is made by Simply Charlotte Mason, or you can find grid paper on your own.  MR854 - 1/2" grid,  MR853 - 3/4" grid

Optional Resources:

  • Book 2 Kit for a helpful collection of objects and Number Sentence Cards corresponding to the lessons.
  • Number Sentence Cards are a homeschool math teacher’s best friend. Each card contains a handful of equations. If you need to step away from the math lesson for a few minutes, hand your student a card or two. He will be able to continue the lesson smoothly on his own by working those equations—using the manipulatives if he needs to—and writing the answers on his personal whiteboard.

Book 2 is also available in a bundle (MR991) with manipulatives, supplies, and a gridded math notebook.

AuthorRichele Baburina
Product CodeMR988
Length319 pages
PublisherSimply Charlotte Mason
FormatHardcover, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: MR988