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Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind: Red Workbook

Purchase the Red Workbook by itself if you are needing it for additional students.  It is consumable.

Red Workbook, is to be used along with the Workbook Key and the Core Instructor Text and the Grammar Guidebook (previous name Comprehensive Handbook of Rules).  It is a complete course that takes students from basic definitions (“A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea”) through advanced sentence structure and analysis—all the grammar skills needed to write and speak with eloquence and confidence.

This is one of four non-sequential workbooks, with the same rules and examples -- but each has a completely different set of exercises that allow students to practice and apply the grammar principles under study. It is only the content that changes in each workbook, not the intensity. The yearly repetition solidifies the concepts, definitions, and examples in the student's mind.

The material in each workbook falls into three categories:

  • Basic Grammar Lessons 1-40
  • Intermediate Grammar Lessons 41-81
  • Advanced Grammar Lessons 81 through the final Review 11 

The answers are found in the Red Workbook Key. It can be purchased alone (GM231), is included in the Red Student Pack (GM233)

AuthorSusan Wise Bauer
Product CodeGM230
Length602 pages
PublisherWell-Trained Mind
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
  • Available as :

Order: GM230