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Exploring Economics Curriculum Set

Written from a perspective of faith in God and trust in His Word, Exploring Economics surveys Biblical teachings on money and finance, provides an overview of the economic history of the United States, gives a clear explanation of terms and concepts used in economics, discusses economic issues confronting us today, and puts our participation in the national and world economies on a personal level. In a time when economic activity is challenging classic definitions, Exploring Economics reasserts the importance of the free market system and enables students to take part in the economy with knowledge and faith.

What the student is to do each week and each day is clearly outlined. The Unit Introduction page gives a brief overview of the unit, the lessons in that unit, and a suggestion for a project that is relevant to that unit. Using Exploring Economics as designed provides one half-year of high school credit in economics and one half-year of credit in English (literature and composition).

The Exploring Economics Curriculum Package includes two books:

  • Exploring Economics, with 75 lessons divided into fifteen units of five lessons each plus all assignments for weekly and daily activities
  • Making Choices, a collection of historic and modern documents, essays, and speeches that supplement the lessons

You will also need the student materials, which are not included.  They are sold as the Student Review Pack, or can be purchased separately.

If you wish to complete the English portion, you will need the required four books, which are sold as the Literature Bundle or individually as well.

AuthorRay Notgrass
Product CodeER253
PublisherNotgrass Company
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Order: ER253