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Nature Reader K - 2nd Ed

The Christian Liberty Nature Reader Series is designed not only to improve a child's reading skills and comprehension, but also to increase his understanding of and delight in God's wonderful creation. Children need to see the glory of Christ in all of nature, as it reveals God's eternal wisdom and power.

This completely revised, full-color reader will introduce students to God's marvelous creation while reinforcing phonics principles. Beginning vocabulary skills are also learned as students are exposed to new words (a glossary is located in the back of the text). Introducing an animal with each letter of the alphabet, twenty-six chapters will take readers from alligator to zebra. Simple review questions have been added to help with comprehension.

Note: This text is considered to be an advanced reader and should be used after completion of a kindergarten-level phonics-based reading program. Students who have completed such a program should be able to read this book with minimal help.

Product CodeRR430
Length90 pages
PublisherChristian Liberty Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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Order: RR430

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