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Intro to Biblical Greek Curriculum Pack

Intro to Biblical Greek is an video-based elective course that lays the groundwork for further study of the language. Designed to earn 1/2 language credit.

This is not structured as a typical language course. It is essentially a “starter kit” that will get you reading and understanding biblical Greek. It will not give you a daily lesson on pronunciation or practicing verb conjugation, but is instead designed to give you a working knowledge of biblical Greek, not a specific mastery of it. 

This course is perfect for those students who plan to attend seminary, or those who are just interested in learning about the New Testament Greek or wanting to experience a deeper study of biblical text. You will discover:

  • The Greek alphabet
  • Punctuation (and how it’s used!)
  • Nouns, verbs, voice, and moods
  • Nominative, genitives, vocatives, accusatives, and datives (the –tives of when to use what word and how)
  • How to understand many of the Greek references your pastor makes
  • The importance of properly translating the Bible
  • A basic understanding of how a concordance and lexicon work
  • A refresher course in English grammar
  • How to apply your new skills!

Package Includes:

If you are doing this course with more than one student you may want to purchase an extra teacher guide (ER274).

Product CodeER273
PublisherMaster Books
  • Available as :

Order: ER273