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World History Set

High school students will develop their Christian worldview while forming their own understanding of world history trends, philosophies, and events in James Stobaugh's examination of historical theories, terms, and concepts.   It is designed to be a one-year history course. (20-30 minutes per lesson, five days a week)

Historical content covered includes the study of Mesopotamia, the Jewish Exile, Egyptian Life, Greece, Life in Athens, Roman Life, Early Church history, Indian (South Asian) History, Persian History, Chinese History, the Middle Ages, the Crusades, the Renaissance, the Reformation, German History, the World Wars, and South Africa.

The Teacher Guide provides a convenient daily schedule, student worksheets, quizzes, answer keys, as well as student objectives and exams.  It is also 3-hole punched and preforated.

World History Set Includes:

If you are doing this course with more than one student you may want to purchase an extra teacher guide (HR641).
*So Noted! The Genesis Commentary by Dr. Henry Morris is a required resource with this course.
*World History Set and So Noted! Bundle available here.

Product CodeHR640
PublisherMaster Books
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Order: HR640