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Life Science: Origins & Scientific Theory (Curriculum Pack)

Equip your student to defend their faith through science! Life Science: Origins & Scientific Theory guides high school students through a comprehensive exploration of Darwin’s theory of evolution as they critically examine the viability, credibility, and plausibility of the theory. Students will explore the evidence, hear from scientists around the world, explore the fossil record, and examine two opposing views on the origin of life as they discover the unchanging truth of God’s word!

Note regarding Chapter Discussion Questions: Teachers/parents are encouraged to participate with the student as they complete the discussion questions. The purpose of the Chapter Purpose section is to introduce the chapter to the student. The Discussion Questions are meant to be thought-provoking. The student may not know the answers but should answer with their, thoughts, ideas, and knowledge of the subject using sound reasoning and logic. They should study the answers and compare them with their own thoughts. We recommend the teacher/parent discuss the questions, the student’s answers, and the correct answers with the student. This section should not be used for grading purposes.

The Curriculum Pack includes:

  • Teacher Guide / Student Worksheets -  includes a weekly lesson schedule, quizzes and tests, as well as an answer key.
  • Evolution: The Grand Experiment Vol 1 Student Text and DVD - Through interviews with scientists from leading universities and other institutions, balanced viewpoints, engaging text, scientific concepts, and more, students will separate science from myth as they investigate survival of the fittest, mutation, similarities, adaptation, fossils, walking whales, and so much more.
  • Evolution: The Grand Experiment Vol 2 (Living Fossils) Student Text and DVD - Through engaging texts and hundreds of full-color photographs, students will nvestigate living fossils - organisms preserved in the fossil record that still exist in similar form today - to discover the challenges and mystery they post to evolutionary concepts.  The DVD explores the questions "Did dinosaurs live with modern plants and modern animals thousand of years ago, as the story of creation suggests or did dinosaurs live a a remote time, millions of years ago, with other extinct, strange, and unusual animals, as the theory of evolution suggest?"
Each DVD is watched in its entirety to familiarize the stuent with each book in the course.  They will watch it again as a summary as they complete the book.  Students may also use the DVD for review, as needed, as they complete each chapter of the course.
The course takes a full year (30-45 minutes per lesson, 5x per week) and is worth one biology credit.

AuthorDr. Carl Werner
Product CodeSC801
PublisherMaster Books
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