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Reading 4 Subject Kit (3rd Ed)

An engaging, comprehension-based program designed to support teachers as they guide students to lifelong reading success. Students develop biblical discernment through teacher-guided instruction and comprehension through strategies, questions, and activities before, during, and after reading. Materials provide opportunities for silent and oral reading that build vocabulary and literary skills. They also include assessment opportunities aligned with objectives. 

The third TE volume includes twenty lessons each for teaching three novels differentiated as low, medium, and high difficulty. The three novels are MedallionSarah Plain and Tall, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The three novels are included with the Teacher's Edition.

Reading 4 includes:

503805 - Reading 4 Teacher’s Edition, 3 volumes 3Ed

523613 - Reading 4 Student Text 3Ed

503748 - Reading 4 Student Worktext 3Ed

503755 - Reading 4 Worktext Answer Key 3Ed

506535 - Reading 4 Assessments 3Ed

506543 - Reading 4 Assessments Answer Key 3Ed

Product Code515049
PublisherBJU Press
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Order: 515049

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