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Physical Science Textbook Kit (6Ed)

Physical Science is divided into four units—two for chemistry and two for physics. The chemistry units move the student from matter and what it is made of to how matter interacts in chemical reactions, nuclear changes, solutions, and acids and bases. In the physics units, students learn about how matter and energy move and why they move; they study the many forms of energy and how energy moves throughout the world. All this is a quest to understand the world that God created. Clear, scientifically accurate images help them picture the structures they study. Case studies, worldview sleuthing activities, mini-labs, ethics boxes, and questions help students think like scientists and view physical science from a biblical perspective.

Textbook Kit includes:

* Unless otherwise noted, kits may not have any partial returns or substitutions.
A Lab Kit is available for purchase to assist you and your student with the experiments.

Product Code524579
PublisherBJU Press
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Order: 524579