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Bible 5 Fullness of Time Teacher Edition (1st Ed)

This course develops students' understanding of the New Testament as the culmination of God's big story of Creation, Fall, and Redemption.

This teacher edition guides the introduction of students to biblical theology through observing, interpreting, and applying individual Bible passages. It emphasizes the application of the truths of the Bible to students' lives for salvation and sanctification. It develops their’ understanding of God’s big story of Creation, Fall, and Redemption throughout the New Testament. It also introduces them to biblical theology through key biblical themes from the entire Bible, which culminate in Christ’s victory over death, sin, and all His enemies.

Additionally, it includes over-print answers to worktext questions on reduced student pages. For easy grading, it includes page-reference numbers to chapter review questions.

Product Code515296
Length404 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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