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Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 2 (Curriculum Pack), Revised

Discover how God designed our bodies in Master Books’ Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Volume 2. This Christian homeschool science curriculum for high school students explores the digestive system, metabolism, the reproductive system, and special systems which include the blood, lymphatic, immune, urinary, endocrine, and integumentary systems. Beautiful full-color images fill the student text, Wonders of the Human Body Volume 2, bringing these systems to life for the student. The Teacher Guide offers worksheets, quizzes, and tests to help your students solidify their knowledge of the human body created by the one and only Master Designer.

Designed for grades 9 to 12, this one-year course is equivalent to 1 science credit. Lessons are scheduled 30-45 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

In Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology 2, students will explore the answers to these questions and more:

  • How does the cereal you had for breakfast become energy?
  • How does the chicken you had for supper provide the amino acids the body needs to build proteins?
  • How does the human body form so wondrously in a mother’s womb?
  • How does the blood ceaselessly transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body?

The revised curriculum pack includes:

Product CodeSC876
PublisherMaster Books
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Order: SC876