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Lessons at Blackberry Inn

In Lessons at Blackberry Inn life is seen through Carol’s eyes, a homemaker in the 1930s. It is a story about simple sacrifices and kindnesses. Behind Carol’s decision to home educate is a philosophy that the author calls “The Gentle Art of Learning.” Mornings are spent teaching her children, Donald and Emily. She tries some new subjects: Picture Study and Music Appreciation. She and her children walk down tree-lined country roads to the village of Appleton. They visit the venerable members of their community who demonstrate their early American skills. Afternoons are also spent canning and cooking Blackberry Inn’s bountiful harvest. Guests appreciate Carol’s delicious country meals served family style on the long table. (Recipes are included.)

Although this is a sequel to Pocketful of Pinecones, the story can stand on its own.

AuthorKaren Andreola
Product CodeHS208
Length225 pages
PublisherCharlotte Mason Research
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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Order: HS208

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