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Number Stories of Long Ago

The history of numbers and counting told in a series of fireside stories:

Over several nights the Crowd looks through the flames and is transported back to the world of An-am who could count to three, of Ching who wrote on palm leaves, and Lugal on his bricks. We see how Caius added with pebbles, how Robert wrote numbers with counters, how Cuthbert learned to multiply and Adriaen learned to divide. Number Stories of Long Ago is a wonderful living book that brings the story of how mathematics developed come to life for even the most math resistant student.

This edition is fully transcribed for easy reading, complete and unabridged with all the original images. Each chapter features a ‘question box’ to extend the student’s thinking, and the final few chapters feature a plethora of fun math questions that have puzzled students over the ages.

Product CodeMR1159
Length148 pages
PublisherLiving Book Press
FormatSoftcover, Black & White
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Order: MR1159

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