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Sounding Out the Sight Words

Introduce the phonics concepts needed to explain the 315 Dolch words in sixty-seven simple lessons! 

With these skills students are equipped to read all the words in the Dolch list with ease, as well as unlock the code to read thousands of additional words. The number of words students are prepared to read phonetically increases exponentially with the systematic approach of these lessons. 

Each lesson is designed for a busy parent or teacher to deliver in two to ten minutes, simply by reading aloud the brief lesson and helping the student sound out the sample words.

This book can be used alongside any language arts program of your choice. If using alongside other Logic of English components, game suggestions for the Logic of English Game Book are also included!

You can purchase this book on its own, or as part of a cursive set or manuscript set. Although not required, the flash cards are helpful for teaching the concepts introduced in each lesson, and the game materials give you lots of great ways to provide fun and effective practice with the phonics concepts and high-frequency words Sounding Out the Sight Words teaches. 

Product CodeLA166
Length164 pages
PublisherLogic of English
FormatSpiral-Bound, Full Colour
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