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Writing & Grammar 7 Teacher Edition, 4th Ed

The teacher edition follows a path through each lesson to engage, instruct, apply, and assess the concepts. Lessons offer a variety of teaching strategies and tips to support the teacher. Creative suggestions and game ideas supplement examples and exercises created to convey and practice concepts. Rubrics and instructional aids in the back matter offer assessments for writing sections. Suggested rubrics are also available for Writing Workshops, along with checklists for peer review and self-evaluation. Additional material offers help in guiding the students toward a biblical worldview of truth, beauty, virtue, and balance. Teacher Tools Online offers additional resources for preassessment, reinforcement, and differentiated instruction as well as instructional aids to engage learning.

Please note:  Because of changing technology, consistent troubles with accessing CDs, and the fact that many devices are not being created with CD drives, BJU has discontinued the Teacher's Toolkit CDs. Resources that would have been included are being added to the books themselves.

Product Code518506
Length1024 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSpiral-Bound, Full Colour
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