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Science 3 Student Edition, 5th Ed

Science 3 helps students develop a biblical worldview as it relates to various science concepts. Students learn where our world came from and how it has changed. They learn to defend the truth that God created all things and how to answer why people are important. Units cover physical, earth-space, and life sciences. Through STEM, experimentation, inquiry, and additional project- and problem-based learning activities, students have the opportunity to apply the skills they learn to understand the purpose of science and to develop orderly approaches to problem solving.

The student edition provides age-appropriate scientific information through text, captioned photographs, annotated illustrations, diagrams, and special interest boxes. Each reading section ends with a Quick Check question to assess student understanding. The course encourages students to begin formulating a biblical worldview of science by showing them how we can use science to glorify God and help others. This edition also contains an introduction to each Investigation, Inquiry, Exploration, and STEM activity. 

Product Code522581
Length296 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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