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Bible 6: Basics for a Biblical Worldview Student Edition, 1st Ed

*Does not correspond with DVD/Online program.

In sixth grade, students will often interact with other worldviews many times a day. This course cuts through all the noise to present students with the truth of a biblical worldview, helping them distinguish it from the false worldviews of the day. Using the teaching of the Scriptures, it challenges students to examine how they think about the world and then leads them to see the world as it truly is. This course can be life-changing for students who diligently work through the biblical truths presented.

This student edition engages students with the ideas in the world around them. Written in an age-appropriate style, this book directly addresses the truth of the biblical worldview and the false ideas behind other worldviews. Students practice critical thinking by evaluating many current ideological battlefields, including self-identity, absolute truth, and creation vs. evolution. 

Product Code517888
Length392 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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