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Footsteps for Fours Teacher Edition, 3rd Ed

The four-volume teacher edition incorporates phonics, prereading, and math lessons as well as segments teaching skills in language arts, handwriting, social studies, and science. Center ideas and music, art, and cooking activities are integrated into the lessons. Making Sounds Make Sense helps the teacher by introducing letter-sounds. Step Write Up engages the children in group writing experiences. Eager Beavers sections offers teaching guides for advanced students. Music with Honey develops rhythm, coordination, and music awareness skills.

Please note:  Because of changing technology, consistent troubles with accessing CDs, and the fact that many devices are not being created with CD drives, BJU has discontinued the Teacher's Toolkit CDs. Resources that would have been included are being added to the books themselves.

Product Code512806
Length1536 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSpiral-Bound, Full Colour, 4 Volumes
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