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Revealing Arithmetic

For years, Christian math books have looked basically like secular textbooks, with the addition of a Bible verse here or there. Here, at last, is a book to help you transform your math class and show your child God’s handiwork in math.

Revealing Arithmetic will help you:

  • Teach math from a biblical worldview.
  • Worship the Lord in math.
  • Help your child really understand concepts.
  • Train your child to think mathematically.
  • Transform everyday activities and objects into math lessons.
  • Teach your child to use math as a real-life tool.
  • Explore historical methods and symbols.

This book is designed for homeschool parents needing a simple math guide to use alongside their curriculum and help them teach arithmetic to elementary students, older students needing a review of math basics before moving on to advanced mathematics, or Christian school or co-op teachers (or future teachers) wanting ideas on how to modify the curriculum to better reveal the truth of a Creator God.

AuthorKatherine Loop
Product CodeMB018
Length233 pages
PublisherMaster Books
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