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Science in the Ancient World Home Science Tools Lab Kit

Use this lab kit to conduct the hands-on activities in the Berean Builders' Science in the Ancient World curriculum. It contains over 30 items, including a tree ring sample, a ramp, wooden spools & more! Find the complete list under "Kit Contents".

With this Berean Builders lab kit, kids will explore concepts related to human anatomy, medicine, optics, heliocentrism, geocentrism, sound, music, magnets, how steam is used to generate power, the motion of objects through a medium, combustion, levers, pulleys, plant growth, plant anatomy, tree-ring dating, the atmosphere, astronomy, the basics of graphing, plastics, density, water flow, friction, and erosion.

** Please note:  The lab kit items are not divided by experiment/week. You will need to organize this yourself. While the kits conveniently contain most of the items you'll need to complete the labs, they do not include some common household items or more expensive items like microscopes and live cultures. 

Product CodeSC937
PublisherHome Science Tools
FormatScience Kit
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Order: SC937