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My Story K - My Family, My Life

My Story K: My Family, My Life is a kindergarten social studies course. Social studies for this age typically includes introductions to family and culture, what it is to be a good citizen, basic geography and understanding simple maps, and basic economics and the value of things, ultimately aiming toward a better understanding of God’s love for us, our families, and other people in the world. The course begins at the core with a foundation of family, neighborhood, and church. My Story K is an adventure-based curriculum that encourages families to explore the world together through four quests, and to understand it better from God’s perspective.

This book is designed with elements that make weekly learning fun and interactive, including:

  • A focus on children in their homes, helping them think about their lives from their immediate families and beyond
  • Insights into cultures in other parts of the world and their different foods, rules, and celebrations
  • As students work through the course, the teacher will be helping them create a story book of their year, so they can reflect on who they are in their eyes and in God's eyes.

AuthorCraig Froman
Product CodeHR678
Length344 pages
PublisherMaster Books
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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