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RightStart Math Tutoring Number Sense Kit

This RightStart Tutoring Number Sense manual is about the application and use of number sense — the understanding of numbers and the quantities they represent. Number sense provides order to math and provides a strong foundation needed for future math learning. It also addresses relationship between numbers and addition and subtraction to four-digits. 

This tutoring manual is intended for those who have a weak, incomplete, or non-existent understanding of number sense. It does not matter if the student is 9 years old or 90 years old; these lessons will approach number sense with a new perspective that follows the RightStart Mathematics approach and philosophy.

Just what you need to teach number sense, addition, and subtraction to four-digits. Lessons are practiced with card games.

The RightStart Tutoring Number Sense Kit includes:

Product CodeMR1325
PublisherRightStart Math
GradeK - Gr. 6
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Order: MR1325