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My Pals are Here 5 Teacher's Guide, 2Ed

This is the newly revised, 2nd edition, of My Pals are Here International Science. It offers a focus on awareness, collaboration, and critical and inventive thinking using an inquiry-based approach. The program is for grades 1-6 and based on the principles of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. There is now one Textbook, Activity Book, and Teacher's Guide per grade (as compared to the A and B books in the 1st edition).

The Teacher's Guide contains recommendations for number of lessons and time per lesson, as well as learning objectives, suggested resources, and vocabulary focus. Detailed lesson plans are included. While many of the activities are group focused, homeschooling families should easily be able to modify for one or two students. If you are familiar with the 1st edition, you will notice the 2nd edition no longer includes the student pages.

It includes answers to the corresponding Textbook and Activity Book.  All three items are available in the My Pals are Here 5 Bundle.

Product CodeSC1005
PublisherSingapore Math
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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Order: SC1005

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