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Dr. Bonyfide Book 2: Foot, Leg and Pelvis

This award-winning workbook does far more than teach your child about the skeletal system.

Bones of the Foot, Leg, and Pelvis contains a wide array of activities including crossword puzzles, mazes, x-ray glasses, and more. This exciting workbook doesn’t feel like work at all and is bursting with fun!

This exploration of the bones of the foot, leg, and pelvis is guided by the family of Know Yourself characters including Dr. Bonyfide, Pinky Le Darpals, and their friends. They help the reader develop a lifelong love for science and an appreciation for one's body, while beginning the discovery of who they are meant to be in this world.

Know Yourself engages young minds in understanding anatomy, physiology, and psychology. This book sets a foundation for discovering how the body functions, building confidence, and making healthy decisions for yourself.  The pedagogical approach includes a variety of learning modalities, spiral curriculum design, and culturally responsive and representative content.

Product CodeSC1023
Length115 pages
PublisherKnow Yourself
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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