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Exploring What God Has Made

Dig deeper into fascinating general science topics that relate to each day of Creation. Through great living science books, helpful experiments, nature study projects, and a personal nature notebook focused on the days of Creation, your child will explore light, weather, water, rocks and minerals, plants, space, aquatic life, winged creatures, creeping things, land animals, and the human body.

Complete this one-year study with your student or assign portions for independent work.

Exploring What God Has Made will

  • Nurture within your child a sense of wonder at God’s Creation,
  • Cultivate a habit of careful observation that will serve your child well, and
  • Lay the ground work of personal experience that will support future science studies.

“O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all…” (Psalm 104:24).

Note: Exploring What God Has Made (for grades 4–6) elaborates and expands on many of the science topics that were introduced in Discovering What God Has Made (for grades 1–3) but features different animals, birds, insects, and plants, as well as a different schedule. Your student can enjoy either or both of these living science studies.

AuthorKaren Smith
Product CodeSC1049
Length80 pages
PublisherSimply Charlotte Mason
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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