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God's Amazing Creation: Genesis 1-2 (Discover 4 Yourself)

Join inductive explorers Max and Molly and archaeologist Uncle Jake on a treasure hunt through God's Word. As you get out your shovel and begin your search, you'll dig up a wheelbarrow full of fascinating information.

God's Amazing Creation covers the first part of Genesis, those awesome days when God created the stars, the world, the sea, the animals, and the very first people! As you get to work searching for clues from the past, decoding ancient messages, and drawing up maps for the dig team, you'll uncover the answers to questions like:

  • How did this world begin?
  • Who created the earth?
  • How did we get here?
  • Where did we come from?

These answers are not only great fun and wonderful Bible truths for young explorers with growing curiosity about the "whys" of life, they are essential truths each child needs to know.

We have been familiar with Kay Arthur's Inductive Bible Studies for years. A customer drew these studies for children to our attention. They look like a lot of fun with lots of great teaching. These are study guides with blanks and puzzles for the children to do. Each child would need their own book. Lessons are designed to be completed in about 15 minutes. This one is based on Genesis 1-2

AuthorKay Arthur
Product CodeBR069
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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