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Exploring Creation Together

Preschoolers have plenty of interests and curiosity at odd times. They’re preloaded with lots of “Why?” Preschool Science: Exploring Creation Together is designed to help you add the “How and Wow” into your child’s daily activities. It’s a curriculum that is full of hands-on, minds-on, and hearts-on activities that develop the most vital learning tools your child possesses – unique God given talents and abilities!

Through guided exploration of their world, young children discover how to naturally incorporate all aspects of language (expanding vocabulary), math (counting and recording), science (observing and experimenting), and art (drawing out ideas) into their understanding of how their world works. Most importantly, your child will come to understand that our world is wonder-full, peace-full, and beauty-full because God created it full of His love and wisdom.

AuthorRachael Yunis
Product CodeSC1021
Length350 pages
FormatSpiral-bound, Full Colour
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