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Adventures in the Scientific Method - Let's Talk Science Level 4

Going deeper into creation, Level 4 of the Let’s Talk Science series takes students through the basics of the scientific method. In this beautiful, full-color science curriculum, homeschool students discover God’s wisdom in chemistry and marine biology.

A continuation of the science journey with Ben and Hannah, Level 4: Adventures in the Scientific Method is an interactive and easy-to-use science course. Through conversational lessons, hands-on experimentation, observation, and documentation, students encounter God’s design as they explore matter, elements, the carbon cycle, measurements, worldview, classification, the ocean, tide pools, coral reefs, algae, seagrass, and marine life.

Along the way, they’ll discover Hidden Treasures that teach them more about their relationship with God as they encounter His wisdom, power, and majesty on display in creation. The learning process in Adventures in the Scientific Method includes:

  • Conversational lessons, “apply it” activities, lab reports, and Bible memory verses
  • Vocabulary words bolded throughout and a Science Notebook students create
  • Conducting experiments and building model biomes

Lessons can be completed by a fourth grader in approximately 30 minutes. This one-year course is designed to be studied five times a week.

Product CodeSC1062
Length378 pages
PublisherMaster Books
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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