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Art of Argument, Revised Set

Middle and high school students will argue (and sometimes quarrel), but they won’t argue well without good training. Students who complete The Art of Argument will know how to reason with clarity, relevance, and purpose . . . and have fun along the way! They will study and master 28 logical fallacies, which will provide an essential lifetime framework for filtering good and bad reasoning as well as writing and speaking effectively. This mastery of informal logic is a foundational subject by which other subjects are evaluated, assessed, and learned. The course is a 1/2 high school credit.

This set includes:

  • The Art of Argument (consumable student edition) - This newly revised book teaches 28 informal fallacies, such as begging the question, the straw man, ad hominem, etc. Comprehensive instruction, clear explanations and illustrations, along with dialogues, worksheets, and dialectic discussion questions, make this text easy to follow and make the fallacies fun to learn. Fun extras are included, such as a humorous skit for students to perform and the famous short story “Love Is a Fallacy” by Max Shulman.
  • The Art of Argument Teacher’s Edition - contains all of the student edition content, along with answer keys, teaching tips, and invaluable chapter and unit tests.

You will need one student edition per student, which may be purchased separately. 

The Student and Teacher books can also be purchased in a bundle that also includes DVDs.

Product CodeMR1448
PublisherClassical Academic Press
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Order: MR1448