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Writing & Grammar 9 Student Worktext 4Ed

*This edition does not co-ordinate with the online / DVD lessons.*

The student worktext includes six thematic units to provide students with opportunities to practice writing and study systematic grammar in connection to writing. Students will analyze the writer’s craft in inspiring mentor texts and learn to apply the writing process and research skills to their writing projects. Writing assignments give students the opportunity to learn persuasive, informative, and narrative writing.

It weaves together grammar instruction and writing practice throughout, giving students ample opportunities to connect the grammar skills they're learning to the texts they're crafting.


  • Special sections, including Grammar Garages, Portfolio Pieces, and Reviser’s Repair Shops, give students opportunities to apply grammar skills and writing strategies to real-world writing assignments in a variety of genres.
  • Mentor texts and model texts allow students to analyze effective writing selections.
  • Collaborative activities and oral and visual presentations strengthen students’ 21st century skills.
  • Study Hacks provide students with strategies for making their learning more effective and efficient.
  • Stated objectives direct students to apply grammar to the writing process so that they can successfully evaluate their own and their peer’s writing.

What do Grade 9 Writing & Grammar lessons look like?

The grammar lessons typically begin with a Practice the Skill exercise (and sometimes also a Review the Skill exercise) to provide scaffolding for understanding. Many grammar lessons end with a Use the Skill exercise, a short writing assignment that provides a journal entry or real-world opportunity to use a grammar skill. Writing chapters help students apply grammar skills to their writing, review the writing process, and practice writing in a variety of genres.

Writing Projects:

  • Description: brochure, creative writing, list poem, comparison/contrast presentation, writing about the future
  • Exposition: essay answer, historical research essay, informative article, research paper
  • Narration: narrative essay, oral history, memoir, film script
  • Persuasion: persuasive essay, opinion piece, book review
  • Personal Communication: letter to the “you” of the future, business letter, business email

Answers are in the Teacher Edition.

Product Code527424
Length640 pages
PublisherBJU Press
FormatSoftcover, Full Colour
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