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How to Write an Outstanding Report in Grades 5&6 Student Workbook

Please note: This is the workbook only.  If you would like the corresponding teacher's guide to help you with this course, purchase the set.  The teacher's guide includes a daily lesson schedule, student assignments and summartion of what they are learning, and other teaching tools, you will want to purchase the set. One workbook will be needed per student.

This practical, open-and-go course will equip them with the research and composition skills your young writers need to succeed!

When your students follow the 18 lessons and finish the “Now it’s your turn” assignments, they will have written an actual report in about 26 school days or five to six weeks.

Students practice narrowing down their topic, brainstorming, taking notes, writing topic sentences, developing a main idea (thesis statement), and much more! They’ll learn from examples of paragraphs, introductions, conclusions, and a whole report written by a real student. Please note that there is some Christian content in this course.

Product CodeWR384
Length67 pages
PublisherWriting Courses with Sharon Watson
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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