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Writing Fiction (in High School) Set 2nd Ed

Writing Fiction [in High School] is written to the student in a conversational tone and requires only minimal parental/teacher guidance.  It's packed with literally hundreds of age-appropriate fiction examples from classics to recent novels so students can learn how to write their own intriguing short stories or novels. 

This two-semester English credit course contains 13 fact-filled chapters with 85 practical lessons.  Your students will study and practice essential elements of storywriting and learn to critique their own work and classmates' work as well.  No prerequisites needed.

This 2nd Edition set includes:

  • one student text/workbook and
  • teacher's guide, which is the answer key for questions in the text and the assignments such as identifying the hero's journey phases in the movies Inkheart and the Disney movie Tangled.

If teaching more than one student, whether at home or in a co-op, you will need to purchase extra text/workbooks - one per student.

Product CodeWR393
PublisherWriting Courses with Sharon Watson
  • Available as :

Order: WR393