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Jump In Student Workbook 2nd Ed

Please note: This is the workbook only.  If you would like the corresponding teacher's guide to help you with this course, purchase the set.  The teacher's guide includes practical, specialized grading grids to assist you, as well as 10-Minute Writing Plunges and other helpful items. One workbook will be needed per student.

Jump In, 2nd Edition is the writing curriculum your middle school student will use! Easy, bite-sized lessons guide your student through the complexities of writing essays and the finer points of writing.

Fifth through eighth grade students will learn how to write in all four modes of writing: persuasion, exposition, description, and narration. In the exposition section, they’ll learn how to write a report with documentation, along with other expository essays like a how-to and compare and contrast. There is also story writing, poetry, and more - all in 98 daily lessons. They’ll practice topic sentences, a main idea (thesis statement), in-text citations, and other essential building blocks of composition. The text is incremental, the tone is light with a sprinkling of humor, and the assignments are very achievable.

Scratch and Dent available here

Product CodeWR387
Length300 pages
PublisherWriting Courses with Sharon Watson
FormatSoftcover, Black and White
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