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Art Core 1: Drawing with Graphite Pencils

Thirty-six drawing lessons give students their first in-depth look at the elements of art in simply written text and video lessons.  
Your child can work independently as they learn drawing techniques and handy tips about being an artist from the nine video lessons, then apply those ideas to their own unique work of art.  The other twenty-seven lessons are text lessons that broaden the scope of learning as students: 

  • Observe the elements of art in their environments in order to connect the ideas to real-world experiences.  
  • See the elements used by Master artworks throughout American art history while learning about the artist and major events within the artist's lifetime.  
  • Incorporate new techniques and processes for drawing into their own works of art as they explore the subjects of still life, clothed figure, landscape, animal, and man-made forms.

AuthorBrenda Ellis
Product CodeAR232
Length64 pages
PublisherARTistic Pursuits
FormatHardcover, Full Colour & DVD/Blu-rays
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Order: AR232