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Fix It Grammar 4 Mowgli & Shere Khan Student Book

EXTRA STUDENT BOOK ONLY - Fix It! Grammar™ requires a teacher's manual. Purchase this Student Book for each of your students if you already own the Fix It! Teacher's Manual, which is in the Combo.

In Fix It! Grammar, students hunt for and correct errors in daily passages that cumulatively tell a story. Fix It! Grammar is a six-year incremental program that encourages students to apply new grammar knowledge in every lesson while continuing to practice what they already know.

Level 4 Mowgli and Shere Khan builds on concepts taught in previous levels and presents a thorough explanation of additional punctuation rules, essential/nonessential clauses, complex sentence patterns, transitional prepositional openers, and more.

Product CodeGM268
Length210 pages
PublisherInstitute for Excellence in Writing
FormatSpiral-bound, Softcover, Black and White
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Order: GM268