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STEAM: Aeronautics Kit

Explore the principles of flight in this Aeronautics unit - STEAM box. Students go through the online lessons and get to build/experiment after each lesson! They will build five projects total – finishing with constructing a Mission-Ready Drone! They will fly their Drone to drop off supplies in a simulated mission and learn to solve real world problems with their new found knowledge!

  • 5 projects – each one teaching a different principle of flight!
  • 16 Lessons designed for 2 lessons/week (8 weeks total)
  • Online interactive lessons

Exploration Education curriculum comes with all the necessary materials the student will need in order to complete each project and experiment. including the following:

  • Project Materials:  For example: wood, metal washers wire, parts, propeler, controller, rubber bands, paper clips, etc.
  • Templates and Sticker Pages: Project templates, sticker pages, experiment supplements, etc.
  • Instructional Materials: Online access to the interactive student text with 16 lessons. 

** You will need to supply: - scissors, a low-temp glue gun, a pen, pencil, spoon, coins, clear tape, and hair dryer.

Topics Covered:  STEAM, Wright Brothers, Drag, Thrust, Lift, Gravity, Drag,  Jets,  Wing Design,  Inflatoplane, Launching  Mechanisms, Ailerons, Rudders, Flaps, Elevators, Coanda Effect, Bernoulli’s Principle, Aeronautics, Flight in Nature, Flying Turtles, Longest glide, Other flying animals, Base jumping, Thermals, Thermal Lift, Orographic Lift, Angle of Attack Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Helicopters, 3rd law of motion, Propellers, Stabilizers, Helicopters, Drones – UAVs, Uses of Drones, Props, Yaw, Roll, Flight, Control, Uses of Drones, Surveillance, Search and Rescue, Drone Deliveries

Product CodeSC1076
PublisherExploration Education
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Order: SC1076